Steal Your Face | Motorhead |

Steal Your Face

Testo Steal Your Face

[I. Kilmister, M. Burston]
[Motor Music Ltd.]

He moves so slowly but he‘s coming after you
Nowhere to hide and not a thing that you can do

You‘re on his mind, you‘re on his mind

You‘re gonna leave the human race,
You know you can‘t stand the pace
Gonna sink without a trace
He‘s gonna steal your face

Don‘t try to run, he‘s gonna find you day or night

Just sit and shiver and be ready for the bite
You‘re on his mind, you‘re on his mind
You‘re lost in hostile space, gonna feel the cold embrace
You‘re in a state of grace, he‘s gonna steal your face

Nowhere to run you know he‘s never far away
Knows where you are and he gets closer every day

You‘re on his mind, you‘re on his mind

And I‘ll bet that he can‘t wait
You know he‘s gonna take the bait
Gonna be on your case
He‘s gonna steal your face
He‘s gonna steal your face
He‘s gonna steal your face
He‘s gonna steal your face

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